Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Articles by Nicholl McGuire Media Exposes, Warns and Assists with People Problems

From spirituality to business, Nicholl McGuire Media listens to the challenges of busy, stressed, and performance driven individuals, professionals and business owners.  We help them reach solutions while putting them into action many times via article writing.  Sometimes forming a plan is not easy, but when one is determined to succeed, he or she puts in the work that needs to be done.  For example, a professional needed to tackle an extensive task list which included: business writing, office organization, and digital file organizing.  Another needed written and typed documents related to her business.  A few wanted participation in their media events which also included Nicholl McGuire speaking before audiences.  Then there were those who needed online content for their creations, assistance with computer software, and help with marketing.  Nicholl McGuire Media was available and met the demands of our clients' needs.

As I reflect on the many people I have met on and offline over the past year, I realize that those who were aware that they needed some form of assistance with their endeavors were successful because they knew when to call for help.  They were humble people, focused and responsible in getting their business needs met.  However, those, who failed to act on desires this year, are unfortunately still hoping/wishing/waiting for change.  Don't let this be you!

If you haven't partnered with Nicholl McGuire Media, take a moment to click around this blog and see what our connection might be.  Some supporters have become clients while others assisted Nicholl McGuire Media with spreading the word about what we do.

Here's to a New Year of reaching more goals--looking forward to conversing with more of you!  Thanks for stopping by.

Nicholl McGuire 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Fight to Stay Motivated

Anyone of us who has had a dream, a goal in mind, or offered to help someone, has had bouts with staying motivated.  Maybe there was an unexpected emergency, a sudden death, an illness, or something else that hindered progress, but you knew that you had to keep going.  "The finish line is oh so close, better keep working!" you tell yourself.

I have had my share of obstacles and distractions in my youth and I found ways to work around my disappointments and failures.  I couldn't afford to pity myself or compare my have-nots with someone's haves.  Rather, I just got up on the world's stage and made myself useful.  Even if I wasn't the star cast member, I supported those who were in the limelight.

The fighters stay motivated mainly due to past failures.  They recognize the pain of going back, the confusion that awaits them if they should quit, and how they will be very angry with themselves if they don't finish a project, accomplish a goal, or complete a task.

Nicholl McGuire Media understands that many individuals and businesses have visions and dreams and we hope that we can help you stay motivated in achieving them!  Send an email with your thoughts and thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Request for a Wedding Slideshow

Over 150 images was needed in a slideshow presentation for a client eager to display her relatives and friends at her wedding.  After conversing with the client about her needs, Nicholl McGuire Media went to work creating a mini-show that went over 20 minutes.  Guests commented how beautiful the presentation was and enjoyed seeing their faces up on a large screen.  The client was delighted with the service. 

In the past, the mother of two also requested Nicholl McGuire Media's typing services.  She needed original documents recreated and sent via email.  She was happy with the fast turnaround.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ad Space, Link Swap, and YouTube Video Blog Mention - Learn More...

Nicholl McGuire Media partners with people who wish to market their on and offline businesses, websites or organizations.  You can do the same by purchasing ad space on any of our blogs, participate in link swaps, request a YouTube video blog mention or an ad in a video description box.  Our fees are reasonable and our partners receive one year of exposure.

If you would like to purchase ad space, feel free to review the following sites that would best fit your hobby, service, or product.  Many of our blogs have been around since 2007.  Our audiences enjoy reading the content and sharing what they have read with others.  Each month we get hundreds of visitors. 

Parenting (mothers)
African American
Young adults and teens

We welcome new partners!  Your unique ad will show up in any number of places from a leaderboard ad on one of our blogs to a link in a description box on one of our popular YouTube videos! We can also prepare keyword rich articles mentioning your business or organization within the text!  Prices are affordable!

Send your email inquiry today to for more details.  Don't delay, because we do have some busy seasons that come up.  Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Attention: Individuals and Businesses Who Need Blog Content

Thanks for stopping by this blog.  Nicholl McGuire Media is currently available to assist those of you with outdated blogs that are desperately in need of being updated with fresh content. 

Material available for purchase includes: advice articles on dating, friendship, work related, parenting, and Christian and African American experiences.  However, if you have photos and other material that you would like to share on your blog, but just haven't got around to doing it, we can assist you too.

Feel free to send email inquires to  This online business is located in Southern California.   

Sunday, December 7, 2014

New Year's Message from owner Nicholl McGuire Media

Welcome to my site.  I hope that you will find the information here useful and will request a service.  I plan to increase my online presence in the new year and hope that I will have more partners that will come along for the ride. 

In the past, I have been quite pleased working with many individuals from various backgrounds reach their personal and professional goals.  I have been personally involved with putting together events related to helping people find jobs, expose new talent, uplift spiritually, and more.  I am very grateful to those that trusted me to jump on board and use my writing, marketing, publishing, communication, and sales skills!

Nicholl McGuire Media's mission is to build businesses, spiritually encourage individuals and groups, and strengthen their online presence.  People, who hope to increase page views, desire a better blog, want to publish a book, hope to meet the needs of their customers, want to make God's will happen, and other needs, will request Nicholl McGuire Media's assistance.  Our prices are reasonable and our staff is down-to-earth.

If you have goals that need to be achieved, consider my business in the new year and thanks for stopping by!


Support Author and Speaker of YouTube channel NM Enterprise 7


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