Showing posts with label nicholl mcguire media blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nicholl mcguire media blogs. Show all posts

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Fight to Stay Motivated

Anyone of us who has had a dream, a goal in mind, or offered to help someone, has had bouts with staying motivated.  Maybe there was an unexpected emergency, a sudden death, an illness, or something else that hindered progress, but you knew that you had to keep going.  "The finish line is oh so close, better keep working!" you tell yourself.

I have had my share of obstacles and distractions in my youth and I found ways to work around my disappointments and failures.  I couldn't afford to pity myself or compare my have-nots with someone's haves.  Rather, I just got up on the world's stage and made myself useful.  Even if I wasn't the star cast member, I supported those who were in the limelight.

The fighters stay motivated mainly due to past failures.  They recognize the pain of going back, the confusion that awaits them if they should quit, and how they will be very angry with themselves if they don't finish a project, accomplish a goal, or complete a task.

Nicholl McGuire Media understands that many individuals and businesses have visions and dreams and we hope that we can help you stay motivated in achieving them!  Send an email with your thoughts and thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Nicholl McGuire Media Can Create an Informative Blog for You!

Blog creation is a service provided by Nicholl.  Since 2007, the virtual assistant has created, contributed and maintained blogs on various sites including Blogger.  Their blog spots are simple to build, professional, and makes a lasting impression!

Here are samples of Nicholl McGuire Media professional blogs:


Apartment Leasing Tips

Workplace Problems, Solutions


Dating Advice, Relationship Problems


When Mothers Cry


Spiritual Poems by Nicholl

Individuals and businesses are welcome to advertise on our blogs including this one!  Rates are reasonable.  Advertise weekly, monthly, or annually.  Send an email to for rate information.

Support Author and Speaker of YouTube channel NM Enterprise 7


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