Showing posts with label advertising opportunities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advertising opportunities. Show all posts

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Business-to-Business Advertising Welcome - Writers, Graphic Design and Virtual Assistants!

Do you offer great tools for writers, provide graphic design, or virtual assistance?  I would love to share your services on this blog for a small fee with my audience.  We accept videos, podcasts, articles, and ad space.

Feel free to reach out via the contact form provided on the side bar.  Partnering with great professionals is what we do! 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Our Partners Around the Web - Marketing Services, Advertising Opportunities

As many of you know, who are already familiar with Nicholl McGuire Media, we own and maintain numerous blogs, podcasts, articles, and books.  The topics on our sites include: relationships, motherhood, business, spirituality, and family.  We also have unique blogs and microblogs on popular social media sites.  Many of these web pages have been around since 2006 and 2007.  The monthly traffic is in the thousands and so too are the followers.

All sites have space available for advertising from tweets to permanent links.   Prices are reasonable and special discounts are offered for first time customers.  For well over a decade, we have been affiliate marketers of start-ups and popular companies that are now being seen on television screens across our land--simply amazing!  We have watched once sole proprietors grow into mega companies in less than a decade.  It is unknown affiliate marketers like us who have helped spread the word and made our platforms available to these businesses and continue to do so.

Annually individuals and businesses will reach out to Nicholl McGuire Media and vice versa regarding marketing services from content creation to advertising services.  We post meaningful text links, images, banners, and more on our sites sharing useful products and services to our audiences.  We believe in helping small businesses grow and look forward to establishing new partnerships and strengthening old ones!  That's the McGuire way!

What can McGuire do for you?  Feel free to reach out and thanks in advance for the opportunity to serve you!

Nicholl McGuire

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Advertisement Space is Available on N.M. Blogs, Audio and Video Sites

Nicholl McGuire Media has ample space this year for new businesses to advertise their products or services on any one of our sites.  We have blogs and social media pages that are about the following topics:

1.  Relationships
2.  Employment
3.  Spirituality
4.  Parenting
5.  Inspiration/Faith
6.  People
7.  Health
8.  Work from Home
9.  Fun Stuff
10.  Coupons and Products

Banner ads, leaderboards, links, and other forms of advertising are available.  Notice some ads on this site.  Our rates are affordable.  Your business ad will remain for one full year!

For more information, reply to this blog or get in touch directly with owner.  Contact information is to the right.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ad Space, Link Swap, and YouTube Video Blog Mention - Learn More...

Nicholl McGuire Media partners with people who wish to market their on and offline businesses, websites or organizations.  You can do the same by purchasing ad space on any of our blogs, participate in link swaps, request a YouTube video blog mention or an ad in a video description box.  Our fees are reasonable and our partners receive one year of exposure.

If you would like to purchase ad space, feel free to review the following sites that would best fit your hobby, service, or product.  Many of our blogs have been around since 2007.  Our audiences enjoy reading the content and sharing what they have read with others.  Each month we get hundreds of visitors. 

Parenting (mothers)
African American
Young adults and teens

We welcome new partners!  Your unique ad will show up in any number of places from a leaderboard ad on one of our blogs to a link in a description box on one of our popular YouTube videos! We can also prepare keyword rich articles mentioning your business or organization within the text!  Prices are affordable!

Send your email inquiry today to for more details.  Don't delay, because we do have some busy seasons that come up.  Thanks for stopping by!

Support Author and Speaker of YouTube channel NM Enterprise 7


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Nicholl McGuire Media not only assists others, but we have our share of products online.  Many of our e-books are now available in paperback...

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