Thursday, June 1, 2017

Nicholl McGuire Media - A Word from Nicholl McGuire

It has been a journey doing business on the Internet from eBay selling to writing contributions around the web, I have learned so many things and continue to do so.  Yet, these days I feel that a change is coming for my business ventures.  Lately, I am spending time with family and friends and exercising my faith.  I am still active on a few sites and periodically have assistants working on marketing tasks. However, how long I remain working on the Internet is undetermined. I have enjoyed this ride since 2006 when I first published articles to websites in dire need of content, but now I feel some grass growing under my feet.  I can't predict the future, but I feel that it will be good!  So in the meantime, I am continuing to support individuals and businesses with blog sponsored posts, sharing links across social media pages, and promoting books.  I will update supporters and clients on any new developments.

Thank you as always for your support!


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tip for Self-Publishers: One Site Many Platforms - eBooks and Books

When we started out on the Internet creating eBooks and printed books, we didn't realize the vast number of websites that were already partnered with other companies to make our books publicly available.  We had started doing what many newbies do visit one site at a time to upload our work.

One of the things you will want to do if you are doing book projects yourself is seek sites who make your ebooks and books available across many platforms.  By doing this, you can keep track of how many books are sold at each site and other pertinent sales related activities.

To your success!

Nicholl McGuire
Blog Owner and Author

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

On Memoir Ghostwriting...

It can be quite fun to hear a client's voice inside your head--an escape from the you who may be going through your own personal challenges. 

I hear the emotion of the author, envision the frustration he or she had gone through during a tough experience, and imagine my client's highs and lows via the historic material one has provided.  Memoir ghostwriting helps put the pieces of a puzzle into something digestible to the author's target audience.  It doesn't overwhelm with details that are not relevant to one or two specific topics an author is attempting to convey.  The life scenes are nothing more than icing on the cake.  However, autobiographical ghostwriting is like a three hour movie, it shows details of one's major highs and lows from start (early childhood) to finish (nearing the end of career/life/marriage etc.)

I must admit I am overly excited about listening to the lives of others and question much wanting to get to the life-changing information that ultimately helps others.  I am quite the compassionate one who sees the big picture and why it is essential to share one's history with the world.  But what I am not is the writer who haphazardly enters into a scene of one's life and plays the extra.  I challenge my clients, inspire them to do well in delivering their content, and then sit back in the audience and applaud their inner and external accomplishments while being most grateful to have been a part of their journeys.

I dedicate this blog entry to two deceased women of yesteryear who mustered up the courage to speak their truth, glimpses at life lessons learned.  R.I.P.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Nonfiction Readers - Feel Free to Join Us on YouTube

Feel free to connect with us on YouTube.  Nicholl McGuire, inspirational speaker and author talks about her books containing various subjects from family to spirituality.  Join our YouTube page and be inspired to start, continue or finish your nonfiction book today!  If you consultation about your work, for a small fee Nicholl will be glad to assist!  Stop by Nicholl McGuire Media on YouTube.

Support Author and Speaker of YouTube channel NM Enterprise 7


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