Friday, January 18, 2019

Our Partners Around the Web - Marketing Services, Advertising Opportunities

As many of you know, who are already familiar with Nicholl McGuire Media, we own and maintain numerous blogs, podcasts, articles, and books.  The topics on our sites include: relationships, motherhood, business, spirituality, and family.  We also have unique blogs and microblogs on popular social media sites.  Many of these web pages have been around since 2006 and 2007.  The monthly traffic is in the thousands and so too are the followers.

All sites have space available for advertising from tweets to permanent links.   Prices are reasonable and special discounts are offered for first time customers.  For well over a decade, we have been affiliate marketers of start-ups and popular companies that are now being seen on television screens across our land--simply amazing!  We have watched once sole proprietors grow into mega companies in less than a decade.  It is unknown affiliate marketers like us who have helped spread the word and made our platforms available to these businesses and continue to do so.

Annually individuals and businesses will reach out to Nicholl McGuire Media and vice versa regarding marketing services from content creation to advertising services.  We post meaningful text links, images, banners, and more on our sites sharing useful products and services to our audiences.  We believe in helping small businesses grow and look forward to establishing new partnerships and strengthening old ones!  That's the McGuire way!

What can McGuire do for you?  Feel free to reach out and thanks in advance for the opportunity to serve you!

Nicholl McGuire

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Nicholl McGuire Media is on YouTube

This year viewers and listeners will be hearing more from virtual assistant, author and speaker Nicholl McGuire.  She has many videos on YouTube related to her nonfiction books, wisdom, and services she offers to clients.  See for yourself below.  Thank you for your support and have yourself a happy new year!

Nicholl McGuire Media Playlists

Do you know your spiritual calling?

Laboring to Love Myself - Why do people struggle to love self?- self esteem, self improvement

Nicholl McGuire Media - What can McGuire do for you? - virtual assistant services

People Who Don't Want Their Jobs - and other blogs by Nicholl McGuire Media

Nicholl reading from her nonfiction books: faith, family, and reference.

Nicholl McGuire Media Tips - books, publishing and virtual assistance.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Nicholl McGuire Media will be hosting Work at Home Facebook Live Event

Retirees, students, mothers, the unemployed and many others are often feeling down due to a lack of income.  Nicholl McGuire noticed the need and so this past summer she shared valuable insight informally offline with a select few.  Since then she has provided inspirational stories and valuable insight about her as well as others' experiences working from home. 
On Thursday, February 22 at 9:00 a.m. the wife, mother of four sons, author, virtual assistant and now a work at home coach will be speaking live on Facebook and teaching people how to begin the journey correctly, confidently, and consistently when seeking ways to make money on and offline.  Join Nicholl, as well as others, speak about working from home, be inspired!  See you there!

Support Author and Speaker of YouTube channel NM Enterprise 7


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Nicholl McGuire Media Products Available Around the Web

Nicholl McGuire Media not only assists others, but we have our share of products online.  Many of our e-books are now available in paperback...

Blogs, Books, Articles and Videos

Blogs, Books, Articles and Videos