Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Articles by Nicholl McGuire Media Exposes, Warns and Assists with People Problems

From spirituality to business, Nicholl McGuire Media listens to the challenges of busy, stressed, and performance driven individuals, professionals and business owners.  We help them reach solutions while putting them into action many times via article writing.  Sometimes forming a plan is not easy, but when one is determined to succeed, he or she puts in the work that needs to be done.  For example, a professional needed to tackle an extensive task list which included: business writing, office organization, and digital file organizing.  Another needed written and typed documents related to her business.  A few wanted participation in their media events which also included Nicholl McGuire speaking before audiences.  Then there were those who needed online content for their creations, assistance with computer software, and help with marketing.  Nicholl McGuire Media was available and met the demands of our clients' needs.

As I reflect on the many people I have met on and offline over the past year, I realize that those who were aware that they needed some form of assistance with their endeavors were successful because they knew when to call for help.  They were humble people, focused and responsible in getting their business needs met.  However, those, who failed to act on desires this year, are unfortunately still hoping/wishing/waiting for change.  Don't let this be you!

If you haven't partnered with Nicholl McGuire Media, take a moment to click around this blog and see what our connection might be.  Some supporters have become clients while others assisted Nicholl McGuire Media with spreading the word about what we do.

Here's to a New Year of reaching more goals--looking forward to conversing with more of you!  Thanks for stopping by.

Nicholl McGuire 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Fight to Stay Motivated

Anyone of us who has had a dream, a goal in mind, or offered to help someone, has had bouts with staying motivated.  Maybe there was an unexpected emergency, a sudden death, an illness, or something else that hindered progress, but you knew that you had to keep going.  "The finish line is oh so close, better keep working!" you tell yourself.

I have had my share of obstacles and distractions in my youth and I found ways to work around my disappointments and failures.  I couldn't afford to pity myself or compare my have-nots with someone's haves.  Rather, I just got up on the world's stage and made myself useful.  Even if I wasn't the star cast member, I supported those who were in the limelight.

The fighters stay motivated mainly due to past failures.  They recognize the pain of going back, the confusion that awaits them if they should quit, and how they will be very angry with themselves if they don't finish a project, accomplish a goal, or complete a task.

Nicholl McGuire Media understands that many individuals and businesses have visions and dreams and we hope that we can help you stay motivated in achieving them!  Send an email with your thoughts and thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Request for a Wedding Slideshow

Over 150 images was needed in a slideshow presentation for a client eager to display her relatives and friends at her wedding.  After conversing with the client about her needs, Nicholl McGuire Media went to work creating a mini-show that went over 20 minutes.  Guests commented how beautiful the presentation was and enjoyed seeing their faces up on a large screen.  The client was delighted with the service. 

In the past, the mother of two also requested Nicholl McGuire Media's typing services.  She needed original documents recreated and sent via email.  She was happy with the fast turnaround.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ad Space, Link Swap, and YouTube Video Blog Mention - Learn More...

Nicholl McGuire Media partners with people who wish to market their on and offline businesses, websites or organizations.  You can do the same by purchasing ad space on any of our blogs, participate in link swaps, request a YouTube video blog mention or an ad in a video description box.  Our fees are reasonable and our partners receive one year of exposure.

If you would like to purchase ad space, feel free to review the following sites that would best fit your hobby, service, or product.  Many of our blogs have been around since 2007.  Our audiences enjoy reading the content and sharing what they have read with others.  Each month we get hundreds of visitors. 

Parenting (mothers)
African American
Young adults and teens

We welcome new partners!  Your unique ad will show up in any number of places from a leaderboard ad on one of our blogs to a link in a description box on one of our popular YouTube videos! We can also prepare keyword rich articles mentioning your business or organization within the text!  Prices are affordable!

Send your email inquiry today to for more details.  Don't delay, because we do have some busy seasons that come up.  Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Attention: Individuals and Businesses Who Need Blog Content

Thanks for stopping by this blog.  Nicholl McGuire Media is currently available to assist those of you with outdated blogs that are desperately in need of being updated with fresh content. 

Material available for purchase includes: advice articles on dating, friendship, work related, parenting, and Christian and African American experiences.  However, if you have photos and other material that you would like to share on your blog, but just haven't got around to doing it, we can assist you too.

Feel free to send email inquires to  This online business is located in Southern California.   

Sunday, December 7, 2014

New Year's Message from owner Nicholl McGuire Media

Welcome to my site.  I hope that you will find the information here useful and will request a service.  I plan to increase my online presence in the new year and hope that I will have more partners that will come along for the ride. 

In the past, I have been quite pleased working with many individuals from various backgrounds reach their personal and professional goals.  I have been personally involved with putting together events related to helping people find jobs, expose new talent, uplift spiritually, and more.  I am very grateful to those that trusted me to jump on board and use my writing, marketing, publishing, communication, and sales skills!

Nicholl McGuire Media's mission is to build businesses, spiritually encourage individuals and groups, and strengthen their online presence.  People, who hope to increase page views, desire a better blog, want to publish a book, hope to meet the needs of their customers, want to make God's will happen, and other needs, will request Nicholl McGuire Media's assistance.  Our prices are reasonable and our staff is down-to-earth.

If you have goals that need to be achieved, consider my business in the new year and thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Helped Small Business with Auction Listings

Small shops have a host of items that never see the light of the Internet because owners and their assistants just don't have the time to list them all and photograph the items. 

A Euclid, Ohio woman had a similar problem.  A clothing designer, who had traveled around the world, downsized her business and started working from home after taking ill.  She requested Nicholl's help.  The request was to list her items online via an auction site.  The business woman's goal was accomplished and in less than a month, her offline business was online. Another grateful customer.

At the time of this writing, she is now deceased, but her experience worth sharing.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Website Content was Needed for Ambitious Client

With 50 plus websites and counting, one of our clients was lacking in quality content rich with profitable keywords.  The project was to provide articles related to relationships and dating.  Almost 400 articles later, Nicholl McGuire Media still assists the client in meeting goals. Periodically, we receive kind words and updates on our client's success. 

We are so happy to help online businesses thrive!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Nicholl McGuire

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Web Writer, Internet Content Producer, Ghost Writer...Nicholl McGuire Media

Whatever you want to call me, a Web Writer, Internet Content Producer, Ghost Writer, Freelance Writer, or some other title, the bottom line is I write.

Articles, blogs, books, and other ways to share material is in abundance online, but the quality of work on many of these sites are sub par.  Far too many Do-It-Yourself types will prepare something, press publish and hope something happens.  Best wishes to them!  The reality is that more work needs to be done to reach goals. 

Whether it is a family member who creates a blog or a professional who is in need of fresh Internet content, something has to be done to generate interest in the work.  More effort will be needed to preserve the content and distribute offline as well. 

People with little time and patience will burn out especially if they have much content i.e. photos, home videos, booklets, newsletters, family documents, children's artwork, etc.  No one thought about getting someone to maintain a blog, create a book, record audio, prepare a slideshow, and do other things to showcase great material.  This is where Nicholl McGuire Media comes in, we assist with numerous administrative tasks that others don't bother with or think about.  We step in, take the material, and make it do something other than sit in a box or drawer offline.

If you would like to talk about what you hope to accomplish, then feel free to call 626-234-4756 or email: with your thoughts and requests.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Nicholl McGuire Media Creation - Job Journal

A simple book to help with noting thoughts and observations viewed at the workplace.
Pick up your copy at, Job Journal by Nicholl McGuire

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Preserving Family History

A client requested a family memoir as a gift for a friend. Nicholl McGuire Media provided a ghost writing service coupled with desktop publishing.  The project was completed timely and the client was pleased. 

Preserving family history is very important, generations are affected long after a loved one dies.  If you would like to learn more about this affordable service, feel free to contact Nicholl McGuire Media.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Building Our Network of Partners and Volunteers

Lately, our address book is increasing of new business associates, volunteers and organizations!  We are excited these days about the people we are meeting.  Nicholl McGuire Media has shared thoughts and ideas to help others lately and as a result we are on the rise! 

In addition to adding new clients, we welcome new business relationships.  Connecting with others and discussing their goals and how we can be of assistance is what we enjoy doing.  Most projects are temporary, events might last a couple of hours, and conversations last less than an hour and it is back to business.  Time is money and so we value both!

Partnering with like-minded professionals is always a wonderful thing to do and I appreciate each and every one! 

If you would like to connect with Nicholl McGuire Media, by all means!  Feel free to get in contact with founder, for volunteer opportunities, services, and other concerns. 

Nicholl McGuire Media Volunteers


Friday, September 5, 2014

Publishing and Writing Services

Blog entries, family history, personal memoirs, social media profiles, how-to articles, auction listings, and website content.  Self-published writer and administrative professional. 20 years plus experience.  Free quotes.  
How can Nicholl McGuire Media be of assistance to you? 
Send email to:

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ghost Writing

These days continuing to write for others.  When I provide this service, my clients know they keep all rights to the articles and other work I do for them.  I wouldn't be a ghost writer if I didn't do this.

I enjoy this work, because it is nice to know that what is in one's head finally becomes a reality for him/her!  If you want to learn more about this service, leave a comment or question below.

Feel free to check out some of the other work I do, right here on this blog, Nicholl McGuire Media. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Nicholl McGuire

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Inspirational Books, Encouraging Audio at Study with Nicholl - online store

When work is slow with Nicholl McGuire Media, inspirational videos are posted at channel nmenterprise7 on YouTube for those who don't know.  At the site, Nicholl shares words from a variety of books including her own.  Visitors are welcome to buy books at her online store.
Family, friends and future partners are encouraged to stop by here.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Nicholl McGuire Media Founder

Nicholl McGuire

Summary: Over 20 years office work experience, six years completed college coursework, background in print media and communications, recognized for exceptional attendance and received merit increase for past job performance, self-published author and part-time entrepreneur, Internet marketing and social media experience.  Interned for non-profit organization, women’s group and community service business. Additional experience:  teaching/training others, customer service and sales.

·         Coordinated past activities for residents including an evening Job Fair on site while working for apartment leasing company to help meet resident retention goals.

·         Created, contributed and maintained community newsletters at three businesses including my own.

·         Organized parking program for residents at one property in need of an organized system.  Responsible for the upkeep of the community.

·         Generated traffic for various projects online and offline to assist individuals, businesses and self.  Some projects included: organizing employee morale event, blood drive, talent event, home business fair, cosmetic sales, and online auction web pages.

Present Work Experience

2007-present  - Internet Content Producer, Self-Employed
Mar. 2014 to August 2014 - Assisted city government with directory publication and administrative support.

2013 - Helped loan support specialists with credit disputes using online services and bank customized finance software.  Researched and cross-referenced for accuracy and report preparation.  Utilized fax machine to send information to clients and made duplicates for department.
2011 - Sorted checks, logged them and added additional data in Excel spreadsheet for Accounts Receivable Department daily.  Typed alpha data in Microsoft Word customized banking program.   Maintained numerical and alpha filing system to keep employee data organized and easy to retrieve daily.  Performed data entry of sales representative’s commissions in an effort to keep accurate records.  Duplicated incoming mail using copy machine.   

2009 - Assisted database manager with entries using Microsoft Access, researched data and communicated findings via Lotus Notes.  Added contractors’ documents to alpha filing system. 

Administrative/clerical support experience

* Managed calendar and scheduled/coordinated meetings and appointments.
* Screened and responded to incoming calls and correspondence.
* Arranged meetings or conferences by reserving conference rooms, issuing meeting requests or invitations and coordinated handouts.
* Directed preparation of records such as agenda, notices, minutes, and resolutions for corporate meetings.
* Composed and prepared confidential correspondence, reports, and other documents such as expense reports.
* Arranged detailed travel plans and itineraries and compiled documents and expenses for travel-related meetings.
* Performed light research duties.
* Performed administrative duties such as filing, typing, faxing, and copying documents.
* Distributed mail and FedEx and maintained office supplies.


* Proficient with Word, Excel, Access, Power Point and Adobe products.  Familiar with Stage Act and Oracle.
* Excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal skills with the ability to interface with staff, other administrators, internal and external customers and senior management.
* Organized and detail oriented with the ability to manage multiple high priorities and can appropriately prioritize work and proactively anticipate and manage time.
* Familiar with a variety of industry concepts, practices, and procedures.     
* Experienced working in these additional industries: Publishing, Customer Service, Sales, Internet Marketing, and Telecommunications.
* Self-motivated, self-starter.
* Ability to act and deliver under tight deadlines.

* Good relationship building skills—used opportunities to encourage communication between employees and clients.

* Awarded bonuses and recognized by management and staff for work performance.
NOTE: Resume has been edited, certain details purposely left out.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Who is Nicholl McGuire?

Nicholl McGuire Media -- Limited Time Only $5 sale!

Nicholl McGuire Media periodically offers specials on the following services for a limited time only.  Send email to find out what the latest specials are.

1.  Post one text link per customer on one blog related to product or service.

2.  Post url on one of my many Twitter pages four times.

3.  Share a related photo or art image on one of our many blogs.

4.  Interview you about your faith for no more than 20 minutes on an upcoming audio recording.

5.  Guest blog post 300 words or less.

Thanks for stopping by.  If you are interested, send email request to for special requests only, all other emails are sent to contact information provided to the right.  Payment is made via Paypal to email mentioned above.  Service will not begin until payment is verified.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Book Creation: When Will You Get it Done?

So many people say they want to write a book, but never get around to doing it.  This is where my business comes in. 

I have access to a talented group of people who can take that book idea and make it something that can be done a lot sooner and for literally hundreds of dollars cheaper!  Of course, there are those people who insist on having a printed book (which I can help, but be prepared to spend more money than what you would pay for a brand new suit--books take time especially for those who love to talk!)  However, if you are one open to other ideas for your book, you might want to talk to me.  Feel free to contact Nicholl McGuire Media.  Contact info. to the right.



Friday, February 28, 2014

Christian Business Assisting People with their God Inspired Projects

It can be hard to find an assistant for the Christian to help with his or her faith based project.  However, being that I believe in a Creator and have shared my beliefs openly here, I am welcome to working with believers.  So if you are in need of any of the services listed on this blog, by all means send me an email with your request.

Nicholl McGuire

Monday, February 24, 2014

New Project? Need Fresh Ideas?

Feel like a project is going nowhere? Need someone to step in with a fresh perspective? Find out more by calling 626-234-4756.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Does Your Business Need a Twitter, Plurk or other Micro-blogging Page?

A great micro-blogging site to share thoughts, Twitter has grown leaps and bounds.  Periodically, I share useful information, business information, and help others spread the word about their business endeavors on my Twitter page.  If you would like a mention, for a nominal fee, I will share your message with my network.  View my Twitter page here.  See my page on Plurk, click link.

Nicholl McGuire Media also creates Twitter pages and gets them off to a great start by assisting individuals with building their network.  Send an email or text if you are interested in this service.  See contact information to the right.

Monday, February 17, 2014

eBay and Amazon Auction Listings

With so little time and much to do, many eBay and Amazon sellers are annoyed with having to put up yet another listing.  This is where my business comes in.  As a former eBay and Amazon seller, I know the business and don't mind helping small businesses get their auction listings underway.

When a client needs a description typed, edited, and spell-checked, the request is reviewed, price list provided, questions answered, and we are ready to work!  Very simple process, fast turnaround!  Send email:  for more information.

We Build Hub Pages!

Whether it is political or a memoir, Hub Pages has long contained informative pieces written and created by Nicholl McGuire.

Hub Pages has a simple platform, plenty of tools to help feature a topic, and enough exposure to the site that you will see traffic!  Talk about your business, advertise your link, and communicate with visitors.  If you would like a Hub Page created, contact Nicholl via email or text.  See contact information to the right.

Nicholl has been a member of Hub Pages since 2009.  Samples of  her work on Hub Pages follows:


Buying Clothes for Children

When Shopping for Men's Clothes

Black Friday, Cyber Monday

Home Organizing

How to Make a Child's Apartment Bedroom Feel More Spacious


Turning Blog, Hub, or Facebook Page Into Book or eBook

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Need Your Recordings Stored, Transcribed? We Can Help!

Thousands of hours of audio shouldn't be sitting exclusively on a data storage drive or CD, we can upload your items to a server and have your best recordings transcripted.  Fees vary.  Contact Nicholl McGuire Media to make arrangements.

Nicholl McGuire Media Can Create an Informative Blog for You!

Blog creation is a service provided by Nicholl.  Since 2007, the virtual assistant has created, contributed and maintained blogs on various sites including Blogger.  Their blog spots are simple to build, professional, and makes a lasting impression!

Here are samples of Nicholl McGuire Media professional blogs:


Apartment Leasing Tips

Workplace Problems, Solutions


Dating Advice, Relationship Problems


When Mothers Cry


Spiritual Poems by Nicholl

Individuals and businesses are welcome to advertise on our blogs including this one!  Rates are reasonable.  Advertise weekly, monthly, or annually.  Send an email to for rate information.

Website Content provided by Nicholl McGuire

Below are samples of websites where Nicholl's work has appeared, notice she writes about a variety of topics:

Hub Pages

Online Dating Tips, Warning Signs and What You Thought You Knew

College Central

What To Do When You Feel You Have Burned A Bridge With Someone

Axis of Logic

What was Going on in Haiti Prior to the Earthquake?


How to Fill Your Apartment Community With New Renters
Read more:

Natural Beauty Secret 

How Do You Know When to Wear Make-Up


How to Handle Office Gossip

Street Articles

Things To Think About Before Purchasing Any Electronics


10 Mistakes Floor Sales Representatives Make with Customers

Read more:

Ezine Articles

6 Things to Do to Avoid Physical Violence With a Partner

Street Directory

5 Tips You Should Know Before Buying a House


When Dating Becomes a Headache, A Heartache

Bharat Bhasha

Pasadena California Mothers Support Group Holds Open House

Authors Den

Should You Date an Older Man or Woman?

Articles Base

How To Get Your Boss To Appreciate You


21 Ways to Lose Physical Custody of Your Children

Nicholl McGuire Media on Domestic Violence Awareness

Since 2007, Nicholl McGuire Media has provided website content around the web.  A strong supporter of domestic violence awareness, the business donates publications annually to various shelters, colleges, and others who help spread the word. See Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate - the blog here.


How to Know Your Daughter or Friend is Being Abused by Her Boyfriend: 10 Signs to Watch - See more at:

Dating a Victim of Domestic Violence? What You Should Know and How You Can Help - See more at:

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: 7 Ways You Can Make a Difference

How to Know if Your Girlfriend is Crazy

10 Reasons Why Women Stay in Unhealthy Relationships

Friday, February 14, 2014

Nicholl McGuire Media - a Business Comprised of Mind, Body and Spirit

When working with others, I find that there is more to what a client or group is asking other than what they are saying.  Actions speak sometimes louder than what is said.  "Are you sure this is what you want?  Are you confident in this project?  Do you really want to go in that direction?"  I think.

Eventually, what someone or a group really thought they wanted isn't what they had in mind especially when everything seems to be going wrong.  One must be sold out for his or her passion, not just because of the revenue that it may bring, but also because the mind is married to it and the passion aligns with one's spirit.

Thinking of Nicholl McGuire Media, I have to always keep in mind that what I am conveying to my audience through my writings must touch mind, body and spirit.  Thoughts must move the body to action while keeping the spirit charged.  Without substance, depth, and energy to one's vision, something will lack.

Whatever we choose in this life to improve self and others, if we aren't sold out on it, no one else will.  Choose something that you are passionate about before permitting others to take part.

Nicholl McGuire

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Word from the Founder of Nicholl McGuire Media: The Future

Writing down goals can be challenging especially when you have a long history of disruptions while in progress, but when your eyes are on the prize, you know where you want to be and what you want to do once you get there.
Nicholl McGuire
For years, I have worked independently and have started and completed many offline writing, typing and marketing projects for individuals and businesses.  These days I plan to continue, but I would very much like to get some outside contractors involved once projects are underway.  So the old adage goes, it takes money to make money; therefore, I am setting my sites on expanding my business of one to several.  But before I can do that, I am searching for projects, many projects, more specifically online administrative projects where Internet business owners need assistance from typing to marketing.

These days I am offering temporary services to meet long-term goals until I am moved to complete my next book.  Once monies are consistent, the next move will be to reaching out to those willing to lend their services as a contractor for Nicholl McGuire Media.

I am very excited about the future!  As the projects come in, I see a staff of virtual assistants, editors, writers, marketers, accountants, and more.  If you are one, who is already established, and doesn't mind sharing your wealth, by all means, send a donation, small or large via Paypal:  I will be sure to mention you and your business for free at one of Nicholl McGuire Media blogs or on a description page of one of the videos onYoutube channel: nmenterprise7 of your choosing.  See my profile on this site for the listing of my blogs.

Thanks for stopping by!

Nicholl McGuire

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Slideshows Created by Nicholl McGuire Media

Nicholl provides services for individuals and small businesses in need of simple slideshows with audio and video.  Various topics and styles have been done over the years.  To respect the privacy of past clients, Nicholl McGuire Media is displaying company related work.  See links below for samples of her work:

Dating Violence

Home Organizing

Slideshow on Grieving

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Nicholl McGuire Media Publications

Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic on Create Space

Publication Date:
Sep 23 2009
1451526547 / 9781451526547
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Warfare
When Mothers Cry

Publication Date:
Jan 29 2009
1448660467 / 9781448660469
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Family & Relationships / Parenting / Motherhood
Laboring to Love Myself on Create Space

Publication Date:
Dec 01 2008

1449526810 / 9781449526818
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
5.25" x 8"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Poetry / Women Authors
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate on Create Space

Publication Date:
Dec 05 2007
1434818306 / 9781434818300
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
5.25" x 8"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Family & Relationships / General
Spiritual Poems by Nicholl on Blurb

Publish Date: April 06, 2012
Dimensions: Trade 94 pgs Black and White printing (on cream uncoated paper)
Category: Poetry

Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street on Blurb

Publish Date: October 17, 2009
Dimensions:  Standard Portrait  32 pgs Standard Paper
Category:  Crafts & Hobbies

Support Author and Speaker of YouTube channel NM Enterprise 7


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Nicholl McGuire Media not only assists others, but we have our share of products online.  Many of our e-books are now available in paperback...

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Blogs, Books, Articles and Videos